Monday 26 March 2012

Stereo widening

Widening of the stereo angel can be accomplished by manipulating the accord of the ancillary arresting S and the centermost arresting M: M = {\frac{L + R}2}; S = {\frac{L - R}2}. A absolute allotment of the ancillary arresting S is now fed into the larboard approach and a allotment with its appearance astern to the appropriate channel. Some boomboxes affection such a process.

Another way of searching at this aforementioned effect, after extrapolating a centermost and ancillary arresting from the larboard and appropriate signals, is to artlessly add the larboard signal, hardly attenuated and appearance inverted, into the appropriate approach and vice-versa. Taking this a footfall further, a baby adjournment (20-100ms) can be added to the astern arresting afore bond it aback in to the aboriginal for output, abacus a slight bang to the effect.

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